Shore Fishing Information

Information Regarding Shore Fishing and other Fishing Styles.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Shore Fishing Safety Tips

Fishing can be a very fun and exciting sport, but it can also be very dangerous at the exact same time. Everyone who goes fishing should be aware of the safety that involves fishing. These rules or guidelines are not complicated but often they go ignored and that's when accidents begin to happen.

First thing you will want to do is check your equipment. Make sure all your rods, lines and reels are in top working order. Make sure your tackle and lures are all placed in a safe spot. If a little child or someone got a hand on those then there can be some pretty serious problems.

As a grown adult I can say that I still cut myself lots with my tackle box so a little kid won't stand a chance.

Shore Fishing Safety

The number one rule when it comes to shore fishing is to be completely aware of your surroundings! There will be many people around you and chances are someone is not going to be paying attention to what they are doing.

Lines get tangles and people get hooked so make sure you are paying attention. I've witnessed some pretty nasty accidents because kids and even adults weren't paying attention to what they were doing. Hooks are sharp and they will hurt you more then they won't.

If you are thinking of taking kids on a fishing trip, try to take them somewhere that is secluded or not crowded as much. Also, make sure that you are keeping an eye on them and watching their every move. Remember, they are still learning and you have to teach them about safety and fishing.

Although safety is very important the number one goal that you will want to teach yourself and your children is that fishing is just about fun. It can be competitive but its not always about catching the biggest fish.

Fishing is about having fun and enjoying a good sun burn the next day. It doesn't matter if you catch a lot of fish or not. As long as you have fun that's all that matters.

Teach your kids from day one about safety and they will carry it with them forever and you can be sure that the amount of accidents that happen from fishing will reduce drastically, and lets face it, fishing accident can be pretty brutal sometimes.

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